MEP 282CCS Bandsaw

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MEP 282CCS Bandsaw : $10,500 AUD ($11,550 Inc. GST)
SHARK 282 CCS (Cut Control System) manual bandsaw machine to cut from 0º, 45º right up to 60º left. Other than the manual cut mode, the bandsaw machine can make single cuts without operator, using the head weight controlled by a hydraulic brake: after the cut, the band stops. The frame at this point is manually lifted to the position needed in order to reposition the bar to cut.
-Electric panel (wiring totally identifiable, stand-by, loose-key safety switch, main switch, pole change switch, emergency stop, motor magneto-thermal overload, minimum tension coil, protection against missing phase, low tension safety device (LTSD 24 V).
-IP55 control handle.
-Hydraulic transducer to visualize band tensioning.
-Wire chip brush for band cleaning.
-Double head return spring.
-Sliding vice with sideways movement and fast-positioning system.
-Wide working surface with rotating table installed on a roller bearing, dia. 265 mm, pre-loaded with thrust bearing.
-Adjustable precision stops for cuts at 0º, 45º, 60º left and 45º right.
-Steel base with removable coolant tray.
-Electric pump for band lubrication and cooling.
-Machine arranged for handling with movement equipment.
-Adjustable rod to measure stop to make cuts of the same length with millimetre steel rod.
-Stock support arm with roller predisposed to mount loading table.
-Bi-metal band for solids and sections.
-Service keys and instructions manual for maintenance and spare parts list.
-The CUT CONTROL SYSTEM (CCS) can be retrofitted on machines out in the field.