Bomar Individual 620-460DGANC CNC Bandsaw

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Bomar Individual 620-460DGANC CNC Bandsaw : $137,950 - $152,000 AUD ($151,745 - $167,200 Inc. GST)
The Bomar Individual 620.460DGANC-2300 machine is a automatic band saw of two-column design with CNC control providing possibility of automatic double angular cutting. Saw swivelling is smooth within the range of -60 and +60°.
It is possible to clamp a cut either single pieces, or complete bundles of material at a time by means of the hydraulic bundle clamping unit (optional accessorie). Maximum length of one feed is 2300 mm, but is individually adaptable to the customer needs between 2300mm-6000mm. (option) The machine is equipped as standard with automatic control of band pressure to depth providing precise and straight cuts using the 34 mm saw band. The saw is operated simply via the control panel attached to the machine base.
Standard equipment
• Two-column structure
• Saw arm is embedded on pre-tensioned linear guideways
• Double-sided arm swivelling with cutting angle within range -60° to the left and +60° to the right
• Digital indicator of arm swivelling angle
• Hydraulic full-lift clamping main vice and the feeding vice
• Continuously adjustable speed of the saw band
• Very precision saw band hard-metal guideways ensure cut accuracy
• Continuously adjustable saw arm feed to depth and pressure to depth
• Automatic control of saw band pressure to depth depending on cut material resistance
• Automatic shutdown of the machine due to not tensioned or broken saw band
• Powerful and reliable saw band drive motor 4.0kW
• Up-to-date control with the text display and the foil keyboard
• Freely positional control panel
• Information on machine status and automatic cycle course available via the LCD display in the form of a dialogue
• Precise feeding vice positioning by means of a sensor on a magnetic tape
• Floating seating of the feeding vice
3. Technical data Cutting ranges
Angle Round Rectangle Square
90°/0° 460 mm 620 x 460 mm 460 mm
45°R 420 mm 420 x 400 mm 405 mm
45°L 420 mm 440 x 300 mm 420 mm
60°R 270 mm 280 x 390 mm 265 mm
60°L 300 mm 300 x 460 mm 300 mm
4. Machine Specifications
Min. vice opening 5 mm
Material bearing height 810 mm
Max. length of one feed 2300 mm
Saw band dimensions 6100 x 41 x 1.3 mm
Drive output 4.0 kW
Cutting speed 20–120 m/min.
Dimensions: width 3000mm length 6200mm height 2350mm
Total weight 3850 kg
5. Options
Bundle Clamping for main & hitch feed vices
Vice Pressure Adjustment on both main & hitchfeed vices
Micronizer Spray Mist
Hydraulic blade clamping
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