TGQ2 Automatic Tool Grinder

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TGQ2 Automatic Tool Grinder : $26,950 AUD ($29,645 Inc. GST)
Punch Tool Grinder - - TGQ2
Fully-automatic Punch & Die Tool Grinder
Tool Grinder TGQ2 is used for sharpening and grinding of the punching tools and dies of TRUMPF, and with adaptor set Thick turret AMADA, FINN-POWER sheet metal processing machines.
The tool grinder is suitable for companies active in sheet metal processing, which have punching machines and do not have their own tool shop with grinders. Thanks to high accuracy of grinding, it is possible to extend tool lifespan up to two times of standard lifespan, provided that tools are sharpened as soon as signs of blunting appear.
This machine is made in Europe
Advantages of the Punch Tool Grinder:
-Simple operation
-Grinding accuracy in tolerance of 0,01 mm
-Tool lifespan extension
-High quality of ground surface
-Low operation cost
-Small dimensions
-Reduction of operator time
Technical Description:
Grinding of the tools is made by special CBN abrasive disc with internal cooling. Cooling liquid prevents overheat of grinded tools, removes mechanical elements rising from the grinding and increases quality of ground surfaces. Complete set of fixing tools for all standard punching tools and dies is provided with machine. For all types of punching tools it is possible to grind scarf from 0-8 degrees.
Machine Operation:
The tool grinder TGQ2 was designed as fully-automatic machine, where the operator is responsible for the right insertion of the tools, selecting the depth of grinding and pressing the green button. The TGQ2 takes care of the rest.
Process of sharpening is fully controlled by the machine with the speed of grinding automatically derived by the size of tool and it is performed in several repeating cycles of grinding according to material removal set-up. At the end of the grinding process the tool is removed and machine is ready for new grinding.