Steelpro 1000

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Steelpro 1000 : Ask for Price
In today’s competitive marketplace, flexibility is required for manufacturing processes in order to respond quickly to market dynamics. Production speed, productivity and efficiency must continually improve without compromising quality, customer satisfaction or profitability.
Haco Australia is the Australian agent for Inovatech Engineering, a Canadian based company, in the business of providing integrated robotic, Innovative solutions for manufacturing.
The SteelPRO 1000 is a state-of-the-art robot plasma cutting system designed for structural and general metal fabricators. It provides the capability to cut and transform structural profiles such as beams, angles, channels, square and rectangular tubes, flat bars and 1500x3000mm plates by using plasma cutting technology.
The M-710iC series is FANUC Robotics' latest-generation, six-axis, medium-high payload, high-performance industrial robot. The M-710iC robots are designed for a variety of manufacturing and system processes. They provide one of the largest work envelopes in its class with one of the smallest footprints.
The Hypertherm HPR260 HyPerformance Plasma delivers HyDefinition® cut quality with greater consistency, faster cut speeds, longer consumable life and half the operating cost of competing technologies. With over ten thousand systems in use worldwide, it is clear that HyPerformance Plasma is the system of choice for customers that demand performance they can count on. HyPerformance Plasma combines fast cutting speeds, rapid process cycling, quick changeovers, and high reliability to maximize productivity.
Inovatech Engineering has developed its own software interface. This interface is what enables our SteelPRO 1000 machine to perform its tasks seamlessly and efficiently. It communicates directly with the Fanuc 30iA controller and the Hypertherm HPR Series plasma unit. Either for maximum control or to use advanced parameters, direct communication ensures that both components can be utilized to their full potential.
SteelPRO 1000 software was designed with flexibility in mind. It will accept data files from all major steel detailing programs. Using the SteelPRO 1000 operator interface the operator can efficiently monitor and operate the machine.
- The SteelPRO 1000 model is a plasma cutting system with an extremely space efficient profiles processing solution or small to large fabricators. The cutting cell has a (21300mm X 2400mm) foot print and provides the capability to cut up to 19800mm long profiles. It uses a fixed loading table and a moving robot platform, efficiently reducing the amount of floor space needed.
- Provides the capability to produce structural profiles faster than conventional beam drill line.
- Combines 3D profiles and optional 2D plate cutting in one single unit.
- HyPerformance Plasma combines fast cutting speeds, rapid process cycling, quick changeovers, and high reliability to maximize productivity.
- Fast and easy set-up. The robot scans the profile location the way it has been placed on the table. -There is no need to position and centre or clamp the profile on the table.
- Using a robot increased the productivity, improved and consistent output quality (which can also minimize the need for subsequent operations), reduced demand for skilled operators who are hard to find, greater reliability and ease of use, ideal for working in difficult environments or on unpleasant tasks and the ability to work tirelessly on long shifts.