Lazersafe Sentinal Light Guard

WA - Delivers Nationally
$14,950 AUD

($16,445 Inc. GST)

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Lazersafe Sentinal Light Guard :      $14,950 AUD ($16,445 Inc. GST)

  • Specifications

    Lazersafe Sentinel Light Guard System
    Sentinel is a press brake guarding system designed for retrofit
    applications and provides a high level of operator protection while
    maintaining machine productivity and performance.

    Sentinel laser protection
    The Sentinel laser transmitter and receiver are mounted to the upper beam of the
    press brake. A continuous dual laser field protects the zone below the punch
    tip allowing the operator to hold the work piece as the tools close at high speed. If an
    obstruction is detected the machine is automatically stopped.
    This close proximity protection allows the operator unrestricted access to the point of operation for increased productivity and unlike traditional light curtains, reduces fatigue by enabling the operator to remain standing in the same position.

    • Designed to ensure maximum safety without compromising productivity.
    • Allows tools to close at high speed, increasing productivity.
    • Complex shapes can be achieved in high speed with Tray/Box Mode.
    • Minimal slow speed travel in each stroke ensures maximum productivity is achieved.
    • The intelligent LCD operator control with on-screen instructions and easy to read messages makes the system simple to operate.
    • The mute point is automatically detected, easily set and continuously monitored.
    • Encoder feedback provides continuous closed loop monitoring of the speed and stopping distance of the pressing beam.
    • The laser transmitter and receiver can be quickly moved clear during tool changes, are very easily adjusted and highly tolerant to vibration.

    Key Features:
    -Duel laser system
    -Fast response time
    -Minimal slow speed for maximum productivity
    -Safety speed automatically monitored
    -Stopping distance automatically monitored
    -Mute point automatically detected and monitored
    -Tray mode for high speed bending of tray and box shapes
    -Mute stop mode
    -Vibration Resistant
    -Sensor blanking eliminates back gauge interference

    Installation not included

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