KINGSLAND COMPACT 50XA Made in England***

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KINGSLAND COMPACT 50XA Made in England*** : $23,950 AUD ($26,345 Inc. GST)
***Original Kingsland Compact 50XA Made in UK***
The KINGSLAND Compact range is a universal multi-purpose and compact hydraulic steelworker developed for production purposes with maximum efficiency.
We offer 3 types in this range: COMPACT 50, 65 & 80
The Compact 50 is the most compact machine with 5 workstations for punching, cropping round and square bars, cutting angle iron, shearing flat bar and notching station. The punch station is designed to enable multiple punching applications.
The universal bolster on Compact 50, 65 and 80 offers the option of punching sheet metal, flat bar, angle iron and the flange of channel and beam. Tooling for special applications is available on simple request.
Large heavy-duty tables with guides are part of the extensive range of standard equipment.
The machines are equipped with blades for cropping round and square bars, optional blades are available for cutting U-, I-, T- and many other special profiles. Angle iron can be cut on 90° and/or 45° (through both flanges, internal and external).
All blades have multiple cutting edges and can be reground. The shear is able to cut thin as well as thin material without the need for blade gap or cutting angle adjustments. Also flanges of angle profiles can be cut.
The universal KINGSLAND COMPACT steelworkers are delivered with an extensive range of standard equipment such as:
- Universal bolster for punching flat bar, angle iron and the flange of channel and / or beam.
- Punching up to 38 mm in the standard execution
- Low power inch mode and adjustable stroke on every station
- Rectangular notching
- Extended safety features as standard equipment
- Centralised pressure lubrication
- Machines with low maintenance requirements
- Punch adaptors
- Swing away punch stripper unit
- Easy change punch holder
- Universal die bolster
- Heavy-duty support tables with guides at shear station and punch station.
- Heavy-duty support table with guides at notch station
- Curved shear arm-blade with 2 (optional: 4) cutting edges
- Shear body blade with 4 cutting edges
- Section arm & body blade with 1 cutting edge
- Angle cutting arm & body blades with 4 cutting edges
- Rectangular notch bolster blades with 4 cutting edges
- 1 meter ruled length stop
- Service toolkit
- Work station guards
- Instruction, operating and maintenance manual.
- Hydraulic oil.
We also stock a large range of tooling in stock Australia