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The HACO HDSY machines are HEAVY DUTY CNC controlled PRESSBRAKES, with electronic levelling and depth control.
In the SYNCHRO system the Y1 and Y2 axes operate as an independent double acting hydraulic system. Both axes share the same oil supply but the flow to the valves as well as true position(s) of the ram are entirely and separately controlled by computer command.
The CNC reads the ram position from independent linear encoders while monitoring and adjusting the proportional valves, producing a double-closed loop system.
The SYNCHRO system is such that it easily allows the coupling of two or more machines to obtain working lengths up to 20 m. In this configuration, machines can work independantly as two seperate machines with different applications or in tandem mode as one machine with double capacity and double bending length.
By using this principle as well as the integration of the latest technologies, we have succeeded in developing a user-friendly, service-friendly, fast and accurate system.
Accuracy is further ensured by mounting the linear encoders on a C-frame connected to the bed, rather than on the side frames, so that deflection of the side frame and loads do not affect positioning. Accuracy is guaranteed up to 0.01mm
Standard Features:
Easybend 2D or multitouch 2D windows based operator Control
Solid frame for maximum strength and minimum deformation. The frames used for the upper beam, lower beam and side-frames guarantee a minimum deformation under the severest working conditions.
Specific for the HDSY is the large gap and daylight-opening.
Large dimensioned lower beam positioned partly under floor. Machine and lower beam are positioned under the floor-level, which enables a more comfortable working height for the operator.
Demountable Table: The table can be dismounted for re-machining after occasional damage as a consequence of any accident. The table will be calibrated in a general way by our technicians during the commissioning. Manual central, adjustable or CNC controlled anti-deflection tables are offered optionally.
Tooling system: The upper beam is standard machined to take HACO type tooling, but can be adapted to every specific wish of the customer. The upper beam has a large number of tool-clamps which allows one to clamp tolling over the full working length of the machine in 1 piece as well as sectionalised.
Guideways: The use of guide ways covered with synthetic material will avoid all risk of damages and allows reduced adjusting which increases the guiding accuracy.
HINGE-PIN cylinder: The separate control of the oil flow to both cylinders allows tilting of the upper beam up to 2.5° (depending on the working length of the machines). The Hinge-Pin connection of the cylinder to the upper beam avoids all radial forces while still maintaining accuracy.
Hydraulics: The hydraulic system is located at the upper part of the pressbrake, completely free from all contaminations whatsoever and easily accessible for maintenance purposes.
Components: The hydraulic and electric system exists out of components of well-known makes, available all over the world such as Vickers, Rexroth, Parker and Télémécanique.
Depth-setting of the upper beam: Automatic Sideframe Deflection Compensation The linear encoders are mounted on a C-frame connected to the bed (free from the side-frame). This results in a constant angular profile, still only influenced by material characteristics (e.g. plate thickness). This system allows one to control the depth setting of the upper beam up to 0.01mm to both sides of the pressbrake, independent from side-frame deflections.
Fix reference-point: Both encoders are mounted on a C-frame connected to the bed (free from the side-frame). This results in a constant angular profile, still only influenced by material characteristics (e.g. plate thickness). This system allows one to control the depth setting of the upper beam up to 0.01mm to both sides of the pressbrake, independent from side-frame deflections.
Working-speed setting: The measuring system allows to control the working speed of the pressbrake.