Haco CNC Plate Roll

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Haco CNC Plate Roll : $100,000 AUD ($110,000 Inc. GST)
The HACO 4HBR Bending Plate Rolls use planetary guides to keep a bigger surface of the plate under pressure during rolling. By doing this, we are able to roll tighter diameters than our competitors. Also reduces frictions & improved bending leverage
This technology makes the HACO 4 roll double pinch plate bending roll one of the best rolls on the market today. Direct drive gearboxes coupled on the rolls, bearings & hydraulic motors to reduce energy consumption and increase the rolls dragging power.
We use off the shelf parts, worldwide available.
The rolls are made of high quality forged steel, induction tempered and hardened and we polish the rolls after hardening. We also supply special rolls for certain jobs upon request.
Planetary movement: To reduce frictions and improve bending leverage
Direct Drive: Gearboxes coupled on the rolls, bearings and hydraulic motors, to reduce energy consumption and increase the rolls dragging power.
Permanent lubrication: All parts pre-lubricated and sealed for life.
Double spherical roller bearings: No friction as per old bushings, no energy loss and linear with rolls deflection.
Rolls Cambering: Know how variable cambering to avoid reel and barrel effect to increase bending performance and precision.
Automatic simultaneous balancing: Bending rolls controlled by massive torsion bars in perfect symbiosis with sophisticated valves that control the oil flow to guarantee absolute parallelism and no need of resetting.
Lower roll eccentric bar: two eccentric wheels joined to a fully forged torsion bar connected to the lower pinching roll. The pinching is absolutely guaranteed with no releasing due to oil compression during the bending procedure. With the eccentric system, it is impossible to lose pinching.
Conical bending system: this is a standard feature on all our machines; depending on the cone degree, the machines operate 50-70% of the actual capacity .
CNC control
The most accurate automatic bending system and, at the same time, easiest to use on a plate bending machine. Entirely developed by MG engineers on Real - Time Linux platform, it is generated following the real machine geometry. The system is close loop with a going on dialogue between the CNC and on board machine sensors. The CNC reads the values and, if necessary, corrects them in real time, this means total control and no material waste. With the automatic correction the system adapts to the different type of materials, the operator can choose the shape he needs and can get it with the simple input of base parameters. The CAD system allows the input of the desired shapes in DXF format, either from a USB pen-drive and from company net. Touch Command Evo controls accessories such as the central and side supports, motorised tables, squaring arms and loading systems. It can be endowed with remote assistance, thus to be managed by our engineers, for a precise, smooth and constant after sales care.
Capacity various call to discuss sizes
Length Various
Bend mm
Pre-Bend mm
Top Roll mm
Bottom Roll mm
Side Rolls mm
Motor hp
weight Kg