Bomar Construction 1150.600DGS

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Bomar Construction 1150.600DGS : $110,000 - $112,000 AUD ($121,000 - $123,200 Inc. GST)
Bomar Construction 1150.600DGS is a universally applicable, semi-automatic double angle band saw for angular cuts in the range of -60° to +60°, satisfying the highest demands due to its comprehensive equipment.
The standard equipment of the machine already includes a high-performance saw band drive with smooth speed regulation, precise hard metal saw band guides, automatic cutting pressure regulation, a digital angle display, a digital saw band speed display, a powered swarf brush, a free positioning control panel, a hydraulic full-travel vice, an electronic saw band tension and fracture monitoring device, saw frame height adjustment through a Memory function on the control panel, a big driving and transition wheel for longest possible saw band lifetime, a big, high-performance hydraulic set as well as modern control with simple handling and a text diagnosis of the machine on an illuminated display. The machine can be extended by a rich offer of options as roller conveyors and stops, minimum-amount lubrication system, LaserLiner and a bundle-clamping device.
Machine Capicity 600mm Round, 1150x600mm Rect, 600x600mm Square
45 deg Capicity 600mm Round, 790x580mm Rect, 580x580mm Square
60 deg Capicity 530mm Round, 530x580mm Rect, 530x530mm Square